I am interested in evil and madness. There is only one kind of sanity and decency, so all sane decent people are very much alike, but there are necessarily an unlimited variety of kinds of madness and evil.

— James A. Donald
Chapter 20 Cover

Chapter 20 Cover

I love this cover!  Kasey did a fantastic job on it.  I always liked Jacob in formal clothes, sort of as an aged James Bond.  For some reason he always defaulted back to shorts and a t-shirt.

Things are crazy for me at the moment.  My house is empty of furniture, except a card table with my PC and Wacom tablet.  At least there’s no TV or any other distractions, so as soon as moving has settled down I should be set.  Wish me luck in keeping the update schedule, I’m going to need it.

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Discussion (11)¬

  1. Sonja says:

    Somehow this reminds me of the White Rabbit of Alice in Wonderland.

  2. Moxie Man says:

    Looking forward to the last of it. This has been a fun “ride”. Thank you.

  3. Mike says:

    Gold watch? Is that a bullet hole in it?

    Good luck with the move.

    • Unmaker says:

      Bullet hole? Possibly. Some fancy watches have a phase of the moon display that looks like that, too.

  4. Adept Prime says:

    Wait, did you take a gander at Batman: The Animated Series and liked Tempel Fuget?

  5. Ro'Wan says:

    Bond ain’t got NUTHIN on Jacob…………….
    How many suave British spies do YOU know that can bring entire nations to their knees just by SHOWING UP?

  6. tangled_z says:

    Ah noo, this is making me sad.

    And watching Jacob walk off a cliff so happily also makes me sad. Poor Jacob, it’s unlikely that there’s any other way that this can end for him.

  7. Zer-Author says:

    Oh god, he’s smiling. Take cover!

  8. Unmaker says:

    I am not fully getting this. The cliff for “doing something stupid and/or irrevocable” makes some sense, but what is up with the suit and watch?

    • lake_wrangler says:

      The way I see it, the gold watch is part of the typical retirement package deal.

      The suit? I don’t know. Just to make the whole thing look respectable? Like someone who’s given his whole life to the company, and all they give him is a stupid gold watch at his retirement party…

  9. Chuk says:

    Yes, great cover.