It’s getting to crunch time in my recent life changes. I bought a house…which I haven’t seen yet. So let me rephrase that — I have bought my girlfriend a house. Closing’s in two weeks, and then there’s moving, and making repairs to my current home…
So if I’m a little flaky or stressed out, please forgive me. 🙂
Jacob: Okay, go. You may not want to look at the -- monitors. Huh. They're off. Lola wouldn't have turned them Msaka must have taken this area.
Msaka: Actually, just this room. It's where we're holding the ambush.
Now Jacob gets to decide: negotiate with Lola like he wants to or allow the ambush like Msaka wants. There are, of course, other possibilities like stepping away while Lola and Msaka see who can be more ruthless (hint: Lola) and then dealing with the winner.
“negotiate with Lola like he wants to or allow the ambush like Msaka wants.”
Unless it’s an ambush OF HIM, which is how that sounds…
…An ambush of whom?