Society is like stew. If you don’t keep it stirred up, you end up with a lot of scum on the top!

— Edward Abbey
Chapter 18, Page 6

Chapter 18, Page 6

All the characters have split up, now, so we’re going to have to follow them one at a time.  First up is Msaka, who’s just barely fast enough to dodge the bullets…

↓ Transcript
Sakut: They came in through the East Field.
Msaka: Damnit, we were expecting them from the north...
Trainee: Ahathereyouare!
Sakut: Senator -- urk!
Trainee: Can'trunfromme, Senator!
Msaka: Grrr...

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  1. Unmaker says:

    Actually, it looks like she can, at least for a while. But once she figures out the the new killers are “Genocide Men Light”, she is going to go back on the offensive. Too bad about the general – he was a likable character.