Annnnnd that ends our little side-trip to check on the American armed forces. Just sketching out what’s happening on the larger world stage. It’s not pleasant.
But next page we return to our main cast, whose lives are…still not pleasant, I suppose, but they’re less deluded about it.
↓ Transcript
Admiral: Take 'em down! That one! And that one! Put out those fires! Is anyone listening to my orders? Is any --
So much for Mr. Admiral being a possible threat, I suppose. Should’ve expected this given how much of a blowhard he was being 🙂
I’m not as shocked that he was harmless in the grand scheme of things.
Oh, and I just heard some sad news. So in honor of David Bowie let me add:
“This ain’t Rock and Roll. This is Genocide!”
You sank my air craft carrier!…and my battleship…and my destroyer…and my…
Is one of you reading the other?