I was trying not to foreshadow Girii getting back up, but some of you guessed it. So the tide might be turning…
By the way, a friend of mine named Dylan Madeley is self-publishing a book. He was a writer on the old Devilbunny newsgroup, so I know he’s got the chops, but he needs some help. If you’re interested in epic fantasy, check out the Kickstarter campaign for his book, The Gift-Knight’s Quest. And if you are near Toronto, his stretch goals include admission to a dance show slash premiere party. Dylan has had fingers in the Toronto art and music scene for years, so that should be fun.
Msaka: I'd rather not.
Improvised Weapon: Sofa
Phew, Girii is alive. But it’s a pity Fumiaki’s son is not, he seemed like an interesting character.
PS. Kentaro growed a moustache?!
If they can get Kentaro some atropine or to an external respirator in the next half minute, he could still survive. Might still need to go through the tank and grow himself a new nervous system afterwards, though…
Plus, I wouldn’t give odds on anyone having the chance to do that. Human fights might usually finish in 30 seconds, but none of these are people are baseline humans and none of them are likely to stop for a breather…
No, not a mustache. I think we’re seeing his lips slightly open.
Not a mustache — that’s a slightly open mouth. Blame the colorist (me) for that one. I can fix it later.
Girii mad! GIRII SMASH!
Giri’s a big girl too, but her main powers are not physical, but mental…God know how she can twist a mind once given the will…
I thought Fumiaki said that her tribe’s empathy was an unwanted side-effect of being able to induce adrenal response at will.
There’s three universal stages of coping with a stressor—the “General Adaptation Syndrome”—an initial “alarm reaction,” analogous to Cannon’s “fight or flight” response, a stage of adaptation, with resistance to the stressor, and eventually a stage of exhaustion and organismic death.
Maybe Shou should have listened to her boss…
Does it mark me as sadistic that I would quite like to see Girii literally rip her limb from limb? I get the feeling that it would circumvent the ceramitised bone issue, targeting the softer flesh with a limited tensile strength. I’d also like to see how Kevin would react now that he has to deal with not only his rogue colleague but also a genetic “deviant” capable of not only perfect manipulation but tearing apart his prize creation, a genocide agent with all of his sociopathy and infinitely greater flexibility, youth and drive.
Nice touch with the sofa being between Caera and Girii – that means Caera is going to be very surprised in a few seconds. And somehow I can bear the thought of Caera getting a nasty surprise with great fortitude.
It occurs to me that I’ve never seen Girii angry. And an angry person who can manipulate minds and emotions is not someone I want angry at *me*. Caera is going to be lucky to make it out of this shack with her mind intact…
Thanks for the signal boost, Remus!