I might boast that, during all this scene of horror, not a sigh, or expression of fear, escaped me, had not my support been grounded in that miserable, though mighty, consolation, that all mankind were involved in the same calamity, and that I was perishing with the world itself.

— Pliny the Younger
Chapter 9, Page 12

Chapter 9, Page 12

Hope you had a happy new year!  Even if you have a hangover still, I wager you feel better than Caera does right now.  🙂

↓ Transcript
Caera: 冲模 ! (DIE!)

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Discussion (13)¬

  1. Moxie Man says:

    Poor Caera…she got whaled on. 🙂
    Of course, after taking out a row of pier supports like that, you’d think in the next panel, we’d see a partial collapse of said pier on her head.

  2. thomas says:

    if her blad-poision is Water-soulible ther wil be a lot of dead fish.

  3. Jacek says:

    Am I alone in thinking that Caera is seriously hot here?

  4. Zarpaulus says:

    Good thing she’s got those harder-than-diamond bones. Otherwise she’d be needing a body cast now.

  5. chukg says:

    Why don’t people tie their swords on to their hand like we do with cameras? Good thing she held on to the cord.

  6. ML says:

    I find the fight scene on this one hard to follow. Looking back at the prior panel didn’t help.

  7. Ming the Merciless says:

    The bones may be unbreakable, but the meat still take a beating…must hurt like hell!

  8. Ol' Gui says:

    Ming the Merciless pretty much said what I was thinking. Pressure cuts from hitting the piers at least unless she had some kind of fiber matrix embeded into her skin and muscle tissue.

  9. Dave says:

    I like the whale giving a final “fuck you”. Pffft. XD

  10. Nynaeve says:

    Yes. The Pfffft was pure gold there. 😉 And yes, Caera will be bruised and battered, but don’t Genocide Men/Women also heal at accelerated rates? More then likely, she’s already healed by the time she scowled there.

  11. Darls Chickens says:

    Brain tissue would still splat like a tomato…if this wasn’t a comic.
    And taxi-whale must have Girii muscles to smash through a pier with a single swatted projectile.
    Or else the pilings are really rotten.

  12. Ming the Merciless says:

    To paraphrase Butch in: http://choppingblock.keenspot.com/
    Genocide men have feelings too…

  13. Ming the Merciless says:

    “And taxi-whale must have Girii muscles… ”
    If a game 40 pounds Pit Bull can drag a 700 pounds
    pallet, imagine what ten tonnes of muscle can do…