The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.

— Alan Ashley-Pitt
Chapter 9, Page 5

Chapter 9, Page 5

Hopefully this has served as a quick re-introduction to our characters.  Just a quick sketch.  For example, Jacob is dangerous, has a wry sense of humor…and is down on his luck.  That’s all we need for characters now.  Time for things to start ramping up…

↓ Transcript
Jacob: Hmn. Yep. If I had any ammo left, you cans would be in trouble.

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Discussion (4)¬

  1. LT says:

    implying he couldn’t kill someone with.. oh, an empty can, for example. or his bare hands.

  2. Yotz says:

    Killing is easy; giving trouble, on the contrary, can be quite troublesome to execute properly.

    On the piece: indeed good lad Jacob, indeed.

  3. Matt40000 says:

    So this (and the previous pages) is a quick recap, what with starting a new book with a new artist?
    That’s cool, especially if it helps new readers

    For long-time readers (or me at least) tension is building with these “breather” pages… I know Fumiaki and Caera are out there somewhere, doing…stuff. Great work, as usual.

  4. chukg says:

    Nice motion blur on the arm there.