Our Earth is degenerate in these later days; there are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end; bribery and corruption are common; children no longer obey their parents; every man wants to write a book and the end of the world is evidently approaching.

Page 31

Page 31

It’s during these transitions that I worry about pacing.  This is going to be a printed book eventually, but I can’t pace it like printed comics.  I thumbed through a comic the other day, and it had a speechless four-page car chase.  I can’t pace a one-page-per-week story like that.

Most of the time it’s not a problem, as every page has something going on.  But transitions worry me a bit.  Don’t worry, though; I think I’ve got this one handled.

↓ Transcript
Jacob: Here's the situation: The AI is gone, but the case is unlocked. They've turned it into a doomsday device.
Roger: Wasn't it always?
Jacob: No, because it had constraints. Those are gone. I need a ship. I'm going to sink the case in the ocean.
Girii: That's not all you're planning.
Roger: I can help! Part of my role in the great heist was the getaway vehicle.
Jacob: Which is?
Roger: A cargo ship out by the refinery docks. The crew have been paid not to ask questions. They'll take us anywhere we want to go. My editor arranged it. She's never let me down.
Jacob: They'll be expecting Undernet terrorists.
Roger: Sheesh. Amateur terrorists. You can fake that.
Girii: Just try to look menacing.
Jacob: Hmph. I guess it'll do.

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